Our Leaders

Ashish Gautam
Vice PrinÂciÂpal. Teacher, Senior Secondary.
SubÂjects: Math
Bio: B.Sc Math, M.Sc Math, MCA, B.Ed. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2002.

Swati Shourie Hjertstedt
PrinÂciÂpal. Teacher, Senior Secondary.
SubÂjects: ChemÂistry and Biology
Bio: B.Sc., M.Sc BioÂsciences Leeds UniÂverÂsity, England, PGCE CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsity, England.

Chandrakant Shourie
DirecÂtor. Teacher, Senior Secondary
SubÂjects: Physics and English
Bio: B.E. (ElecÂtricl and ElecÂtronÂics). DirecÂtor and Pioneer of Satya Niketan. Started the school in 1985.

Ashish Shourie
Asst. DirecÂtor
Bio: B.Sc ComÂputer, Math, ElecÂtronÂics. D.El Ed.

Lalbhadur Mishra
Office AdminÂisÂtraÂtor
Bio: M.A. I have been working at SNHS since 1999.

Deepa Singh
Teacher/Supervisor, Pre-Primary School
SubÂjects: M.Sc Botany and B.Ed.
Bio: I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2012.

Deepti Gautam
Teacher, Primary School
SubÂjects: English
Bio: B.A., B.Lib., D.Ed. I have been a teacher at SNHS since 2003.

Shehzad Khan
Teacher, Middle School
SubÂjects: Math
Bio: M.A. D.El.Ed. PGDCA. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2005.

Rakesh Tripathi
Teacher, Primary School
SubÂjects: Math
Bio: M.Com and D.Ed. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2001.

Jayram (Raja) Chaudhary
MainÂteÂnance Supervisor
Bio: I have been working at SNHS since 2001.

Mehmood Khan
Driver, SuperÂviÂsor
Bio: I have been working at SNHS since 1996.

Anamika Mishra
Teacher, Primary School
Bio: B.A.
I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2021

Aradhana Mishra
Teacher, Middle School
SubÂjects: Hindi
Bio: B.A. (Hindi), B.Ed. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2018.

Chudamani Payas
Teacher, Middle School
SubÂjects: Social Science, Computer
Bio: B.Sc. Maths, D.El.Ed DCA

Darpan Gujar

Durga Chand Kushwaha
Teacher, Primary School
SubÂjects: SST, EVS, GK
Bio: B.A., D.El.Ed. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2012.

Kalpana Pasana
Teacher, Primary School
SubÂjects: All subÂjects.
Bio: B.A. BTI. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 1996.

Laxman Gautam
Teacher, High School
SubÂjects: SanÂskrit and Hindi
Bio: M.A. (SanÂskrit). D. Ed. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2013.

Nameera Nasir
Teacher, Middle School
Subject: Science
Bio: B.Sc Biology, M.Sc ChemÂistry, B.Ed.
I have been teachÂing in this school since 2021

Namita Shourie
Teacher, High School
SubÂjects: Social Science
Bio: B.A. and M.A. PolitÂiÂcal Science, D.El. Ed.

Laxman Gautam
Teacher, High School
SubÂjects: SanÂskrit and Hindi
Bio: M.A. (SanÂskrit). D. Ed. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2013.

Padmani Soni
Teacher, Pre-Primary School
SubÂjects: All
Bio: BA, D.El. Ed. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2013.

Priyanka Garg
Teacher, Primary School
Bio: B.Com, M.A. EcoÂnomÂics, D.Ed
I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2021

Harihar Singh Patel
Teacher, Middle School
Bio: B.A. I have been working at SNHS since 1999.

Rajeev Singh Parihar
Teacher, Primary<br /> School
Bio: B.A. and M.A. in History. D.El.Ed. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 1999.

Ron Hjertstedt
Teacher, Sports Coach
SubÂjects: English and Music. Middle School.
Bio: A former busiÂness-owner from the USA, I have a long backÂground in conÂstrucÂtion and design, music, lecture series direcÂtor and host, and expeÂriÂence in the culiÂnary field. I have been a teacher at SNHS since 2012.

Suneeta Mishra
Teacher, Pre-Primary School
SubÂjects: All
Bio: B.A. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2016.

Sunil Singh
Sports Coach, Athletics
Bio: I have been helping at SNHS in kinderÂgarten since 2017.

Supriya Singh Baghel
Teacher, Middle School
SubÂjects: English and ComÂputÂers
Bio: B.E.(CS), D.El.Ed. I have been a teacher at SNHS since 2016.

Tanya Soni
Teacher, Pre-Primary School
SubÂjects: All
Bio: B.A. LitÂerÂaÂture. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2018.

Uma Agrahari
Teacher, Primary School
SubÂjects: All
Bio: B.A. D.El.Ed. from. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 201

Uma Bhatele
Teacher, Middle School
SubÂjects: English and GK
Bio: B.A. M.A. D.El.Ed. I have been a teacher at SNHS since 2012.

Vernuka Shukla
Teacher, Primary School

Vishal Basantani
Teacher, High School
SubÂjects: Science, ChemÂistry, Biology
Bio: B.Sc, D.El. Ed. I have been teachÂing at SNHS since 2012.

Zuber Khan
Teacher, Primary School
Support Staff

Ameen Khan
Bio: I have been working at SNHS since 2018

Ashok Kol
Bio: I have been working at SNHS since 2015.

Mohammad Shafique (Juggu Uncle)
General Staff, Helper
Bio: I have been working at SNHS since 1985.

Ramashray Chaudhary
MainÂteÂnance Staff
Bio: I have been working at SNHS since 2015

Shivam Kol
General Helper
Bio: I have been working at SNHS since 2018.

Ramkishore Sahu
General MainÂteÂnance
Bio: I have been working at SNHS since 1987

Sandeep Dwivedi
AdminÂisÂtraÂtive Office
Bio: B. Com. I have been working at SNHS since 2018.

Shaukat Ahmad Khan
Bio: B.Sc. I have been working at SNHS since 2013.

Mohan Singh Patel
AdminÂisÂtraÂtive Support
PosiÂtion: Office
Bio: B.Comm, D.El.Ed., I have been working at SNHS since 2012