Community News

We are thank­ful to be a part of the great Nagod com­mu­nity. Often, there are public com­mu­nity events hap­pen­ing not only in Nagod, but also in sur­round­ing towns and vil­lages that we want to keep you abreast of. Here is where you can go to check in on what is coming up at Art Ichol, Kha­ju­raho, Panna Tiger Reserve, and other fan­tas­tic places. A com­mu­nity that learns together and sup­ports one another is a com­mu­nity that is strong and tightly knit.

What’s Going On?

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Exciting New Sport:  Ultimate Frisbee!

Exciting New Sport: Ultimate Frisbee!

It was an excit­ing weekend on 3, 4 Sep­tem­ber.  Ron sir created a rela­tion­ship with UPAI (India’s excit­ing National Ulti­mate Frisbee Team), and we had impact­ful train-the-trainer ses­sions with one of their top inter­na­tional players and coaches. VITS Uni­ver­sity did a…

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Fakir Toli Bicycle Rally for a Clean Nagod!

Fakir Toli Bicycle Rally for a Clean Nagod!

More infor­ma­tion to come soon.  For now, keep your cal­en­dar open for 9 a.m. New Year’s Day, Sat­ur­day, 1 January, to start off the new year in the right way by cycling to call atten­tion to keeping Nagod clean!

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Ways to get involved

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Ultimate is Coming!!  (Ultimate Players Association of India)

Ultimate is Coming!! (Ultimate Players Association of India)

Ron sir is working hard with a few others to bring the excit­ing game of Ulti­mate (Frisbee) to our state of Madhya Pradesh. He is coor­di­nat­ing right now with sports coaches across MP to come to our very first train­ing and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion event to be hosted at VITS…

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Fakir Toli Bicycle Rally for a Clean Nagod!

Fakir Toli Bicycle Rally for a Clean Nagod!

More infor­ma­tion to come soon.  For now, keep your cal­en­dar open for 9 a.m. New Year’s Day, Sat­ur­day, 1 January, to start off the new year in the right way by cycling to call atten­tion to keeping Nagod clean!

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