Alumni & Guests

This is where we high­light our alumni and folks who have visited our school over the years. Scroll down, click on the appro­pri­ate link, and fill in our form and bless us with the infor­ma­tion you wish to share with us. As you all con­tinue with your lives beyond the walls of our school, you carry a part of us with you and you leave a part of your­self with us. Let’s stay in touch! 

Alumni Corner

To our alumni we welcome you to your special page where you can come to let us know where you are at in your life’s journey, express your feelings on your experiences with us, and help us all to stay in touch with you. We care about you — where you are at, what you are doing, and where you are going.

We all make per­ma­nent marks on each other’s life journey, no matter how brief the encounter.  Let’s stay in touch.

Guestbook & Remarks

To our special guests who have visited us over the years, we welcome you to write a note about your experience with us, where you hail from, and other fun information for our students and staff to be energized by your positivity about your travels to be with us.

Remem­ber the day when Sergey (from Ukraine) and Ste­fa­nia (from the heel of Italy’s boot on the coast of the Adri­atic Sea) came to visit us and spend some time with stu­dents musi­cally, on the acoustic guitar? It was yet another pre­cious encounter with world-trav­el­ers who came to our school via Art Ichol.

Sergey and Stefania

Ukraine and Italy

I was for­tu­nate to not only attend a private school in the United States but also one where stu­dents felt loved and cared for in addi­tion to getting a better edu­ca­tion. It’s easy to find a school that either gives a good edu­ca­tion or loves its’ stu­dents. I have been for­tu­nate to spend several days at Stuti Niwas during mul­ti­ple trips to India. I spent time with the chil­dren inside the clas­rooms, observ­ing the teach­ers and vis­it­ing chil­dren and their parents outside of the school. Stuti Niwas is a very rare school that excels in BOTH edu­ca­tion and love. If I had a child any­where near Nagod, they would only be attend­ing Stuti Niwas.

Gregory Gibson

Houston, Texas USA, United Air­lines, Cus­tomer Rela­tions Manager

Grant came to us a few several weeks during which he spent great time with stu­dents doing career coun­sel­ing, helping with music edu­ca­tion, and espe­cially cre­at­ing an impact­ful formal debate team expe­ri­ence. He was a cham­pion debate team par­tic­i­pant back in the US during his school and college days. We are very grate­ful for his time with us.

Grant Metzger

Chicago, IL

Having been to SN school thrice I can say that it never grows old. In fact, it is invig­o­rat­ing! For me it is always a joy to see the kids loving to learn which is demon­strated by their atten­tive­ness, atti­tudes, and behav­iors. A real joy!!!
I hope that I can someday visit again.

Michael Keane, PhD.


Mar­garet Irwin-West is a world-renowned artist from Ireland who had come to Art Ichol and spent pre­cious time with our stu­dents at our school as well as at Art Ichol where she met with some of our school’s art stu­dents. She wishes to express her grat­i­tude the school for giving her such quality time of inter­ac­tion. Such a magical time. Remark­ably, Mar­garet was born in our state of Madhya Pradesh 90 years prior to this visit; it was her first return back to the heart of India where she was born. What a remark­able woman.

Mar­garet Irwin-West


I’ve enjoyed vis­it­ing the school several times over the last 10 years. The stu­dents I’ve met are always warm-hearted, wel­com­ing, and inquis­i­tive. I’ve sat in on classes and also found the stu­dents to be atten­tive and respect­ful, as well as eager to join in a dis­cus­sion or offer an answer to a ques­tion. The Prin­ci­pal is excel­lent. I highly rec­om­mend this school. It is a special place.

Kay and Steve Holler (and family)

Chicago, Illi­nois,

Every time we visit Stuti Niwas in Nagod our hearts are touched and we come away reflect­ing on the special grace in the lives of our friends there. We’ve known the Shourie family and Ron and Swati for many years. As much as we’ve enjoyed their warm hos­pi­tal­ity (and food), it’s the chal­lenge of their lives that we take away with us. They are special people in a very down to earth way. Faith­ful­ness and resilience come to mind — it’s truly remark­able. What more can we say!
John, Matt and Sam

New Zealand

We spent a week with the team at Satya Niketan in 2018 and are still talking about it years later. It was incred­i­ble to see the facil­i­ties they have devel­oped, the passion the team have for giving the local chil­dren the best pos­si­ble edu­ca­tion, and oppor­tu­ni­ties to develop in sports and the arts. We loved seeing how joyful the stu­dents were and hearing the incred­i­ble success stories of grad­u­ates going on to bigger things. A truly won­der­ful haven of hope in India.

Jerram and Gabrielle

New Zealand