Our Director’s Birthday!

Today is our Director’s birthday!

(From our student edi­to­r­ial team, rep­re­sent­ing the larger student body)

Dear Bade Sir,

You are really a bless­ing from God to us.  You have been a role-model and inspi­ra­tion to us and the many thou­sands of stu­dents who have studied in your school since 1985.

You are a person who not only teaches from books, but also pro­vides us with life-lessons.  You have shown us the impor­tance of love, respect, honor, opti­mism, and self-respect.

You show us the right aisle when­ever we rove.  You encour­age us to do some­thing mean­ing­ful with our lives.  Your per­sonal expe­ri­ences have also pro­vided us with a unique edu­ca­tional perspective.

Truly, you are a great source of knowledge…and wisdom!  What­ever we are is all because of you.  Thank you for all that you are and every­thing you do.

We under­stand that being a teacher is, was, and will never be an easy job.  However, you have done even more by treat­ing us as a family and not just stu­dents, and that is a very rare thing indeed.  We are priv­i­leged to have studied under you.

We are very thank­ful to you for serving our small town, giving us high quality edu­ca­tion, and helping us to be aware of the world.

We, the student body of 2021/2022, and espe­cially the website edi­to­r­ial team, wish you a very warm, pros­per­ous, and healthy birth­day and year ahead!

Sincerely.….your stu­dents.