Ultimate is Coming!!  (Ultimate Players Association of India)

Ultimate is Coming!! (Ultimate Players Association of India)

Ron sir is working hard with a few others to bring the excit­ing game of Ulti­mate (Frisbee) to our state of Madhya Pradesh.

He is coor­di­nat­ing right now with sports coaches across MP to come to our very first train­ing and cer­ti­fi­ca­tion event to be hosted at VITS Uni­ver­sity in Satna on 6&7 August.

Offi­cial, pro­fes­sional Ulti­mate players from India’s national team will be coming to train our sports coaches in this excit­ing sport that is present in many states around India, and glob­ally.  In fact, India took the bronze medal in 2018 at an inter­na­tional tour­na­ment in Europe.

The sport itself is ground­break­ing for India because it goes beyond ath­leti­cism and pro­motes mixed-gender com­pe­ti­tion (pro­mot­ing high-quality women’s sports), self-gov­er­nance (honesty, truth­ful­ness, fair play, matu­rity, proper games­man­ship and moral­ity, and self-control).

The sport is run by a fan­tas­tic team of pro­fes­sion­als from across India.  Their orga­ni­za­tion is called UPAI (Ulti­mate Players Asso­ci­a­tion of India).  www.indiaultimate.org

Soon, because of the hard work by Ron sir, VITS, Sajid sir, and other sports coaches across MP, we too will be able to par­tic­i­pate in this sport by com­pet­ing against each other from school-to-school, town-to-town, state-to-state, and the best will be accepted into India’s awesome national team to compete internationally.

So, lend your support by being excited and coming out to play this excit­ing sport.  We are the first in MP!  Let’s make our pres­ence known across India as the best players ath­let­i­cally and espe­cially morally.