Live Chat with Ukraine

We had the oppor­tu­nity to have an hour-long live video chat with a man (a friend of Ron sir) who is on the front lines in Ukraine, helping inno­cent civil­ians by bring­ing them food and offer­ing to take them to safety in shel­ters far from the danger of war zone.

This is a great way to educate our youth, by giving them these sorts of rare oppor­tu­ni­ties to under­stand other cul­tures, other con­cepts, world history, current events, applic­a­ble English lan­guage, and to sort through it all in order to for­mu­late their own opin­ions and world-views.

We thank Brad for taking the time to give our stu­dents a rare look into the life of someone who has decided to risk his own life in order to help others.

And, we thank our stu­dents for for­mu­lat­ing such poignant and rel­e­vant ques­tions.  The ques­tions drove right to the heart of the matter:

  • Why are you risking your life in order to help strangers in a dif­fer­ent country?
  • What brings you ful­fill­ment?  Doesn’t mate­r­ial pos­ses­sions and living a nice life give you ful­fill­ment?  Does helping others bring you fulfillment?
  • Why are you helping people when their own gov­ern­ment and their own people aren’t doing what you are doing?
  • Will this war remain as is, or will it gain momen­tum and become a major world war?
  • Are people there afraid of you?  Do they trust you?  How do you gain their trust?

It was a very unique and edu­ca­tional oppor­tu­nity for our stu­dents, and for Brad in Ukraine as well.