A Teacher’s Day Tribute: An Homage to Our Teachers. Our Guiding Lights.

Teacher's Day 2022Teachers.  They the light of the world.

A beacon in the dark, and the hope that gives us strength to survive.  Teachers add value to our character and make us the ideal citizens to make a better country.  Teachers are the building blocks of our lives.  They are the ones who motivate the students to do better in every way.  Teachers are the builders of a better future.

The bond between a teacher and student is like a potter and the clay.  Teach­ers shape the life of the student by teach­ing them about broth­er­hood, kind­ness, and sim­plic­ity.   And stu­dents are the clay, who even­tu­ally become a vessel through the artis­tic and caring hands of the potter.

In whose memory is Teacher’s Day cel­e­brated, and why?  On the aus­pi­cious occa­sion of Dr. Rad­hakr­ish­nan’s birth­day, his stu­dents requested him to allow them to cel­e­brate his birth­day, but in reply Dr. Rad­hakr­ish­nan said that “The cel­e­bra­tion should not only be for me; I would feel proud if it would be a cel­e­bra­tion for all the teachers”.

Teacher’s Day was first celebrated in India on 5 September, 1962.

Once, Pt. Jawa­har­lal Nehru said that he has served his country in many capac­i­ties, so he is con­sid­ered as a great teacher.

How do we cel­e­brate Teacher’s Day at our school?  This day is one of the most mem­o­rable in the rela­tion­ship between teacher and student.  On this special occa­sion, we give choco­lates, gifts, cards, and espe­cially respect to our teach­ers.  We also orga­nize a party ded­i­cated to teach­ers.  That year’s Class 12 does all the plan­ning.  First, they go into every class and intro­duce their juniors to that year’s planned party, and they ask for funds from each student to help pay for the party.

Tra­di­tion­ally, the stu­dents orga­nize games for the teach­ers to play, and there is dancing, and some great food — all orga­nized by the Class 12 stu­dents.  It is a party for the stu­dents as well as the teach­ers because of all the mem­o­ries that are being created and shared from years of inter­ac­tions.  At the end of the party, the stu­dents give a “Thank You” speech, showing appre­ci­a­tion to the teach­ers for putting in years of effort into these balls of clay that will soon go off into the larger world.

Teachers are a precious gift who God has given to students.  Their impact on our lives goes beyond cost.

We, the stu­dents of our school, want to thank our teach­ers for always guiding us and showing us the right path for our life.   You always try your best, even in difficult

times and sit­u­a­tions, and you have high hopes for us.  We are blessed to have you in our lives, and we are grate­ful for you sharing your knowl­edge and life-wisdom and expe­ri­ence with us.  We will forever remem­ber our teach­ers because of the immen­sity of their con­tri­bu­tion to our life.

In Sanskrit, there is an auspicious mantra dedicated to teachers:  “Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Dev Maheshwara; Guru Sakshat, Param Brahma, Jasmai Shri, Gurney Mamah.”

Guru is truly rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva.  Parambrahma means eternal lord whose world is never being destroyed, that lord who had no day or night.  He creates, sus­tains knowl­edge, and destroys the weeds of ignorance.

The guru (the teacher) guides us and makes efforts to push us to the road of success.  We salute all of you great teachers.